Our library articles cover a variety of foot and ankle conditions and what treatments may be available to you when you are suffering. Read these articles to learn more about what you can do at home to alleviate pain and when you should make an appointment with a podiatrist.
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DiabetesMany times a podiatrist may be the first to diagnose diabetes due to foot numbness, a non-healing wound, or chronic infection of the foot.
What is Gout?Gout is a type of arthritis that affects the joints. It is usually sudden with severe pain, redness and tenderness in the joint.
Ankle instabilityAnkle instability happens when the outside part of the ankle constantly "gives out" when putting weight on it, especially when you're on uneven surfaces.
Ankle SprainAn ankle sprain can range from mild to severe, depending on how badly the ligament is damaged and how many ligaments are injured.
Athlete’s FootAthlete's foot, the most common fungal infection, is a rash on the skin of the foot. The rash typically begins in between the toes and can affect feet.
CallusesCalluses, or thickened skin, result from on-going friction or pressure on a particular area of skin. On the foot, calluses (hyperkeratosis) commonly occur on areas subjected to pressure and impact: the heels, balls of the foot, and the big toe. Calluses cause irritation and pain as the thickened skin continues to be exposed to pressure …
PsoriasisPsoriasis is a skin condition wherein new skin cells surface too rapidly, causing inflamed, flaky, thick patches of skin buildup.
Foot UlcersFoot ulcers form as a result of skin tissue breaking down and exposing the layers underneath. They’re most common under big toes and the balls of your feet.
WartsWarts are caused by a virus and can appear on the sole of the foot. Children, especially teenagers, tend to be more susceptible to warts than adults.
Achilles TendinitisAchilles Tendinitis (Achilles Tendonitis) is a common condition that causes pain and discomfort along the back side of the foot and ankle.